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Coach Kimmy's Journey

Writer: KyleKyle

I’ve been a member at CrossFit Serenity for 5 years. I’m a CrossFit junkie, I love lifting heavy, working hard, the feeling you get from a PR (personal record), and the self satisfaction that comes from conquering a tough workout. I love it so much that I went and got my Level 1 and have been coaching at Serenity for the last two years. I enjoy coaching. It gives me the opportunity to build positive and meaningful relationships with people and I get the bonus of seeing them make progress. Many of the members at Serenity know me but what a lot of people don’t know is my journey with nutrition.

While growing up, nutrition and making good food choices was something that was never discussed. I was a good girl and ate what was on my plate and I always cleaned my plate (just like I was told to). I never questioned anything and never really gave nutrition much thought. As an adult, my lack of knowledge of nutrition and my increasing waistline led me through a roller coaster of fad diets and inconsistent exercise routines. I’m embarrassed to admit it but yes, I tried the pills, the shakes, the teas, and the coffees. I didn’t get the results I wanted. I never looked like the girls in the “after” photos. In fact, if I ever got results they did not last and I was left frustrated with low self esteem. I figured, this is the way I am and how I am meant to be so why bother.

Fast forward to a few years later. I was at the weight I was when I delivered my second child, my blood pressure ws high, adn my resting heart rate was 91 bpm. My good and bad cholesterol levels are outrageously low and alarmingly high. I wasn't even forty yet and I knew if I didn’t do something I would have some serious repercussions pretty soon. I joined CrossFit Serenity and fell in love with the workouts. This was the first fitness routine I had done where my attendance actually increased. Even though my workouts increased, I still had not addressed my nutrition. My belief was “I’ll work hard and burn the fat off.” This belief was accompanied by “I killed that lift/WOD, I’m going to reward myself with a treat!” I thought that just by showing up to the box and giving 100% I would get the results I wanted. Anybody could have found me there at least 6 days a week. I look back now and think about the ludicrous amount of training I did.

I’d love to tell you I had six pack abs and was totally shredded but I wasn’t. I used my workouts as a way to manage stress with the hopes that I was also getting lean and strong, and I rewarded myself with high calorie foods and drinks.

After getting my results from a hydrostatic body fat test I was on the verge of tears. I had a hard time comprehending why all of my physical hard work was not paying off. It was like a flashback from my previous dieting failures. After getting some advice, I went ahead and did something I had never done before. I started working with a nutrition coach. I’ve been working with a nutrition coach for a few years now, and I’ve learned a lot about the foods I eat, why I crave what I crave, how to manage my stress, and how to give myself grace. There is so much more to nutrition than I ever thought. I’m proud to report that I no longer reward myself with food and drinks. I’m okay with not being perfect, and it’s okay for me to do better a little bit at a time.

As a member of the Serenity Nutrition coaching team, I am excited to help people make positive, lasting changes in their lives through nutrition. If you want to make changes to your beliefs about nutrition and overall wellness I’ll be glad to help! Together we can work towards establishing healthy habits and building your tool kit with strategies for mindfulness and well being.

Best wishes,

Kimmy Davis


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